Pointing your compass in the right direction

I think I have figured out what I need to do each day to get myself pointed in the right direction. Here’s how I set my compass:

  1. As soon as I awaken, I thank God that I am alive.

  2. I recite the prayer I learned from an elderly priest who our family knew from a little church in the mountains of North Carolina. It’s a beautiful formal prayer his mother recited daily, expressing love to Jesus and imploring him for guidance. I was raised Catholic and this prayer gives me comfort and resonates with my Social Worker/servant heart.

  3. I recite the Dalai Lama’s prayer I learned from my yoga teachers’ teacher, Beryl Bender Birch, which express gratefulness to be alive and positive intentions on how to live each day to help relieve suffering in the world. Again, this resonates with me deeply.

I can recite these really fast, so  most days I have to purposefully slow myself, to allow myself to FEEL them.  When I do that, I think it helps me have a better start to my morning.

Next, I read from the little Catholic daily prayer booklet my mother has given me. Many days I am awe-struck at how great the little readings are. (Some days I’m not as touched by them.  And that’s ok.)

I have another book I read from next, Meditations from the Mata book about using the 8-limbed path of Yoga as a way to navigate life, written by Rolf Gates (a yoga teacher, former Army ranger, in recovery who has written a REALLY awesome daily-reflection book). This book as given to my by my yogi pal Nancy- (Thank  you!).   I used it every day last year and I am in total love with it, using it still.  After practicing yoga for the past 14 years, it has help deepen my study of what yoga is really about. To remember that I am connected to God- that God is within me and all around me. That I am okay.

These are my foundational practices, as my friend Lezlie Laws ( Creative Coach from LifeArt Studio) calls them.  For me it starts with orienting myself to God.  After praying, & reading I do some journaling. Sometimes I journal before mediation, sometimes afterward. In my prayer journal, I focus on what I am grateful for. I send my prayers to God with petitions full of gratitude.  Lastly, I meditate- not long (10-15 min actually). Mediations practice has been a really centering experience.  I use Insight Timer app when I meditate and I love it.

I’ll write more about other foundational practices at another time. But it’s been on my heart to share this as we are at the start of the new year. I hope you have some calming way to set your compass each day. Something nurturing to read, to recite, to guide you as you start your day.

The light in me sees and greets the light in you. Namaste!


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